+44 (0)1223 330484

Welfare contacts

Please read this in conjunction with the information provided on our main welfare page.


  • If life is at risk such as: suspected heart attack, stroke, anaphylaxis, severe bleeding, difficulty breathing: please call 999. Then let the Porters know that you have done so on 01223 330484 or 07917 535 806.
  • For urgent, but non-emergency, out of hours’ health care advice including mental health, please call 111. Select option 2 for mental health support.
  • Samaritans: 116123 – this is a free 24/7 national service for people contemplating suicide or affected by it. They provide a confidential listening space and you can call anonymously if you prefer.

College welfare

  • The Porter team assist our students, staff and senior members with security and safety on-site and can provide rapid assistance with pressing welfare concerns. They work closely with the wellbeing team to ensure any ongoing difficulties are resolved and supported.
  • The Porters’ Lodge is open 24/7; you can contact the Porters on porters@hughes.cam.ac.uk or 01223 330484 or 07917 535 806. Our Porters work alongside the college leadership and welfare teams as needed, including a ‘duty tutor’ with whom they can liaise outside normal working hours.
  • For general wellbeing issues please contact your personal Tutor in the first instance and note that the Senior Tutor, Dr Tori McKee, is always available to discuss your concerns. The Head of Wellbeing and Welfare, Dr Ben Marshall is similarly available and happy to assist with concerns or elements of wellbeing and welfare support that you would like to see.
  • The College Healthcare Practitioner can assist with many physical and mental health difficulties and can be reached via 01223 746369 or health@hughes.cam.ac.uk.
  • The MCR (student) Welfare Officer is also available to offer support and advice to students.

Champions for specific groups

Our Champions are identifiable, trusted figures from the College who lead on support for particular groups, in collaboration with the Senior Tutor, Head of Wellbeing and Welfare, MCR officers and the wider communities they represent. They are approachable if you are encountering specific difficulties or have things you would like to see in terms of tailored support:

  • Race Equality Champion: Dr Roni Ajao (rajao@hughes.cam.ac.uk)
  • Parent and Caregiver Champion: Claire Dickens (developmentofficer@hughes.cam.ac.uk)
  • Disability Champion: Alison Nicholson (anicholson@hughes.cam.ac.uk)
  • LGBTQ+ Champion: Prof Arthur Hibble (ahibble@hughes.cam.ac.uk)
  • Gender Equality Champion: Dr Derya Cavga (dcavga@hughes.cam.ac.uk).

Harassment and sexual misconduct

We have two specific tutors who fulfil the role of Harassment Support Tutors who, alongside your own tutor, the Senior Tutor and other members of the welfare team, can be approached for advice or support, including with reporting:

  • Dr Aude Rauscent (arauscent@hughes.cam.ac.uk)
  • DR Martin Hadley Brown (mbrown@hughes.cam.ac.uk).

If you have been affected by harassment and/or sexual misconduct, the University’s Harassment and Violence Support Service provides advice, support, reporting channels (including anonymous).

There is a specialist external service offering support and practical help for anyone in Cambridgeshire who has experienced sexual violence and/or sexual abuse: The Elms. If you will struggle to reach them, we are able to fund transportation to ensure you get there safely.


  • NHS urgent care including mental health: 111 – free, 24-hour service, helps access appropriate services e.g. Crisis Team; out-of-hours GP or dentist; 24-hour pharmacy.
  • Nearest medical practices for GPs: Petersfield: 01223 350647, Lensfield Rd: 01223 651020.

Other useful contacts

  • Non-emergency Police: 101
  • The University Counselling Service is a useful source of support and information: 01223 332865 – free, confidential, professional counselling services individual appointments and group sessions. Self-help material at  www.counselling.cam.ac.uk/selfhelp.
  • Lifeline: 0808 808 2121 – Mental health advice provided by Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and South Lincolnshire Mind. 9am to 2pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) and 2pm to 11pm, 365 days a year.
  • Mind: 0300 123 3393 – General information on mental health, where to get help, medication, alternative treatments and advocacy. Open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays).
  • Nightline: 01223 744444* – Listening support and information service open every day from Tuesday 6th October to Friday 4th December.
  • Samaritans: 116123 – Free 24/7 national service for people experiencing all kinds of concerns.
  • Saneline: leave a message on 07984 967 708 giving your first name and a contact number and they will call back as soon as possible.
  • Cambridge Rape Crisis Centre: 01223 245888 – Run by women for women and girls who have survived or currently experience sexual violence. Also for family, friends and professionals supporting a survivor. Open on Wednesday 7pm-9.30pm, Thursday 7pm-9.30pm and Sunday 10am-12.30pm.
  • iCaSH: 0300 300 3030 – Contraception and sexual health advice, screening and treatment Includes sexually transmitted infections (STIs), pregnancy and termination advice, onward referral to antenatal and termination services Free contraception (also available from your college welfare officers).
  • Switchboard: 0300 330 0630 – LGBT+ Helpline open 10:00-22:00 every day.
  • FRANK: 0300 123 6600 – Friendly, confidential drugs advice.

Updated 10.6.24