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In Cambridge the term ‘examination’ covers all forms of assessment, including theses and dissertations. So please follow all instructions regarding examinations, even if you have no seated, hand-written exams.

The University Examination and Assessment Committee oversees the whole process.

The Tutorial Office co-ordinates examination matters at Hughes Hall.

The University’s webpage on Exams > Information for students provides additional useful guidance to all aspects of examinations at Cambridge.

(a) Entry for examinations

Undergraduates: Your Director of Studies is responsible for entering you for the appropriate exams. You will be sent an Examination Entry Verification Form, which you must check carefully. Notify any corrections or changes to the College Administrator immediately, which must be entered before the last day of Full Lent Term. In due course you will be given a University Exam Number, which you must keep with you throughout the exam period.

Postgraduates: These vary according to Department and Faculty. Make sure you follow the instructions you are given.

(b) Preparing for exams

The Cambridge exam system can be daunting, but help is available. The document below provides information on sources of academic support, resources available, practical preparation, taking the exam and getting your results.

Document: Preparing for Exams

More useful information can be found from the University Counselling Service.

(c) Conduct in exams

See the University rules.

(d) Examination access arrangements

See the Examination Arrangements and the page on exam access arrangements. If you think you need special exam arrangements, you must complete the College Form and arrange to see your tutor to discuss your needs. You will require a proper assessment and certification, e.g. from the Accessibility & Disability Resources Centre, your GP or the College Health Practitioner depending on the condition.

There is neither shame nor disadvantage in seeking special arrangements, so please don’t be put off from making enquiries. However, you must do so at the start of the year, since the college must inform the university early in the Lent Term. The Accessibility & Disability Resources Centre offers a free initial assessment. In most cases the university makes the special provisions, while in some cases the College makes the provisions. There is no charge to you for this.

(e) Difficulties during exams

Occasionally students have major difficulties like ill health before or during the exam period. If this happens to you, contact your tutor immediately to discuss it. Your tutor may then recommend that the college enters an Exam Warning and/or applies for an Exam Allowance. There is useful information about exam allowances for Postgraduate students on the University website.

Occasionally also students experience problems with anxiety or health during an exam and need to leave the exam room. If this happens to you, please inform the invigilator who will give instructions on what to do next.

(f) Notification of results

Degree Classification (i.e. BA and LLM): On the day these are released, your class will be recorded on Camsis in the morning.

Other results: Are communicated to you directly by your faculty, and marks on individual papers are normally released through Directors of Studies.

(g) Assessment of Results

Good results. The college awards prizes to congratulate all who gain a First Class degree and in some cases for a Distinction.

Disappointing results. All BA students are expected to get a 2.1 grade. If you fall significantly below this, the Senior Tutor will follow it up with you, and may want to see you along with your Director of Studies.

Failure. If you fail your exams you will normally have to leave the college and the university. Note that to be ‘allowed an Ordinary Examination’ (i.e. non-Honours) counts as failure in this context.