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A friendly and supportive environment for mature students

Hughes Hall is a different type of Cambridge College. All of our undergraduates are mature students so are 21 or over at the start of their course.

Some are taking their first degree, whilst others are studying a new subject either for the full three years or as a two-year affiliated student (for those taking a second undergraduate degree). All mature and affiliated students taking undergraduate degrees are offered College accommodation throughout their course, including for the summer vacation if they wish.

The College has a friendly atmosphere, promoting academic and extra-curricular activities for all students. As well as our undergraduates we have around 700 full and part-time graduate students, and we actively encourage all students and Senior Members to interact through our events.

The College is situated alongside Fenner’s Cricket Ground and around the corner is lively Mill Road, known for its cafes, restaurants, bars, vintage clothes, and international supermarkets. We are halfway between the railway station and market square, a 10-minute bike ride from most university departments and 5 minutes from punting on the river Cam, with some of the best accommodation at Cambridge.

You can find out much more on our website in the Life at Hughes section including Meeting our Students and our Fellows and Senior Members.

For more information on visiting the College and mature undergraduate applications webinars, please see Open days and visits. We also have a range of scholarships open to new students.

Please email us for more information and to discuss applying to Hughes: ugadmissions@hughes.cam.ac.uk.

The application process

For further information on the application process and related topics, please see the following:


Most of our scholarships come from the Cambridge Trust and will only be available to applicants applying in October.

To apply for funding from the Cambridge Trust you will first need to gain an offer of admission to a University of Cambridge college. Full information about undergraduate admission can be found here, on the University’s website.  Please be aware that the Trust is unable to admit students to the University or to any of its Colleges.

Once you have an offer of admission to a Cambridge College, you will be invited by your College to complete an application to the Trust to be considered for funding. You do not need to apply directly to the Trust for funding, as the Trust only considers applicants who are put forward by their Colleges.

You will be informed in March/April if you have been successful in gaining a scholarship.

For more information please see the Cambridge Trust.

Undergraduate Applications Timetable

There are two application deadlines, one in October and the other one in March. For a detailed timeline, please visit the University’s webpage here.

If you are applying for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Computer Science, Engineering, Graduate Medicine, History of Art, Music, Natural Sciences, or Philosophy you must apply by the October deadline.

Applicants who completed an access course or self-study are welcome to apply by the March deadline but if you intend to apply for scholarships, you are encouraged to apply by October when the majority of scholarships are open.

Please note that Hughes Hall does not admit undergraduates to study Veterinary Medicine or Architecture. We only admit students to study Medicine through the Cambridge Graduate Course in Medicine.

Student Support

We place great value on our students’ wellbeing, and provide academic and personal welfare support throughout your time at Cambridge, for example: 


Updated 13.06.24