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Excellent food prepared by our fantastic college catering team

Meal times are an important aspect of collegiate life. They provide you with the opportunity to catch up with friends or meet with students and Fellows in other areas of study. Hughes has an excellent reputation for food and we encourage all College members to take advantage of all that is on offer in our Dining Hall. Further details of dining at College are available in our Student Centre pages, including Formal Halls and links to weekly menus.

Dining hall

Members of Hughes Hall all eat together in a grand modern hall on the ground floor of the Fenner’s Building, its tall windows overlooking the calm of the cricket field.

You can enjoy morning pastries, three-course or light lunches and cafeteria-style or formal dining in the evening during the week. At weekends, breakfast and lunch are replaced by our very popular brunch service. During term time, most meals are self-service.

From sandwiches and a daily salad bar to formal three-course dining, we provide a range of menus for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Traditional Formal Halls

Two to three nights a week, we also offer traditional Formal Halls, hosted by Senior Members, with table service. Some Formal Halls are themed to mark special occasions like International Women’s Day, Chinese New Year, Burns Night, LGBTQ+ and Black History Months and Thanksgiving.

Join fellow members for a coffee, a light meal or a formal dinner. Hughes has an exceptional reputation for great food and we encourage everyone to take advantage of the hospitality on offer.

Formal dining isn’t a duty or an official obligation. It’s often a highlight of the week that staff, Fellows and students look forward to. Unlike other Colleges, we don’t have a High Table reserved exclusively for Fellows. Students, tutors and guests all sit together and eat the same food, so this is a great opportunity to chat to senior academics.