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Get involved

There are many ways to remain an active part of Hughes

Click on the ‘plus’ symbol next to each heading or press ‘Show All’ to explore all the ways you can get involved with the alumni community.

Share your story in our 'Meet our Alumni' series

We always want to hear from alumni, and are looking for alumni to join our 'Meet our Alumni' series.

If you would like to work on a news story with us, please get in touch with us at development@hughes.cam.ac.uk.

If you would like to share your story in relation to a recognised day of celebration/ awareness/ history (e.g. Green Week, LGBT+ History Month, International Women’s Day, UK Disability History Month, Black History Month, Mental Health Awareness Week) please highlight this, as we would love to include your article in our celebrations.
You can view an example news story here, or another example here.

Alumni Groups

We are lucky to have Alumni Groups all around the world, set up and run by wonderful alumni volunteers!

These groups organise events throughout the year helping to keep our ever-growing global alumni community connected, to establish friendships and create opportunities for mentoring and professional development. To look-up and get in touch with your local group, please use the Cambridge University alumni group directory.

If you are interested in setting up a new group, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at development@hughes.cam.ac.uk.

We currently have groups in the following cities:

Boston (MA) Lahore (Pakistan)   Nicosia (Cyprus)
Carson City (NV) London (UK) Paris (France)
Hong Kong Los Angeles (CA) Santiago (Chile)
Jakarta (Indonesia) Newcastle (Australia) Seattle (WA)
Kuala Lumpar (Malaysia) New York (NY) Singapore


We greatly value the time and expertise of our diverse alumni community, and welcome continued alumni participation in the College’s activities to inspire future generations of students, to raise our profile on a global stage, and to develop our programmes of research.

There are numerous ways that our alumni can play an active and vital role in the life of the College, including:

  • Collaborating with the Bridge
  • Organising or hosting alumni events
  • Speaking at College events
  • Running an Alumni Group
  • Mentoring students (please note that we cannot always facilitate this, and offers of help will be considered on a case by case basis)

For more information on how you can help, please contact us on development@hughes.cam.ac.uk