+44 (0)1223 330484

Alumni Events

View our upcoming Hughes Hall alumni events here.

By booking our onto an alumni event you signify that you agree to be bound by the following conditions and documents referred to therein, as revised by us from time to time. Revised conditions take effect when published. (Last published 10/07/2024)

Alumni Event Terms & Conditions

Chargeable Events

  • You may request to cancel your ticket for a full refund, up to 5 working days before the date and time of the event. In this case, if you can no longer attend but would like to donate your ticket cost to our student support fund, please let us know.
  • If you request to cancel after the cut-off date outlined above, we will not be able to offer a refund, and your payment will be used to subsidise the cost of your place at the event.
  • If an event has to be postponed, guests will have the option either to receive a full refund or transfer registration to the same event at the new, future date.
  • Events are run on a not-for-profit basis and ticket income is used to subsidise costs such as room hire, catering, staffing and speaker expenses.
  • If Hughes Hall cancels an event, guests will be offered a full refund. However guest expenses (including travel) incurred in relation to the event will not be refunded.
Recording, filming and photography

  • Photographs taken at events by the Hughes Hall Development Team (or a photographer on our behalf) may be used in publications, communications, social media, and on the website. If you are not happy for your image to be used in this way, please let us know before or during the event. Signage at events will also indicate that filming or photography may take place. We cannot accept responsibility for photographs taken by other guests.
  • Some virtual events are recorded and may be published on public sites. If you attend an online event but do not wish to be included in a recording, please ensure that your camera and microphone are disabled and avoid posting chats or questions.
Guest Lists

  • Your name, college and matriculation year may be included in a guest list which will be shared with others to support networking. Please let us know if you do not want us to include your name in a printed guest list.
Parking/ Transport

  • Please note that we cannot offer parking in college, with the exception of blue badge holders. If you or your event guest holds a blue badge, please contact us in advance, confirming the registration number of your vehicle.
  • Nearby parking options and transport routes can be found here. 

Code of Conduct

Hughes Hall is committed to fostering an inclusive culture which promotes equality, values diversity and maintains a working, learning and social environment in which the rights and dignity of all members of the college community are respected.

Harassment will not be tolerated on any platform or service, either in person or online, that is provided by the college or at a college sponsored event. All visitors to events hosted at Hughes Hall must abide by the details set out in our Hughes Hall policy documents. Event attendees must be courteous to staff, guests and hosts at all times. Being under the influence of alcohol, or otherwise intoxicated, is not an excuse for lack of courtesy, rudeness, harassment or victimisation of a member of staff, another attendee or guest. All attendees are expected to drink responsibly and are responsible for their own health and behaviour whilst attending Hughes Hall event.

Attendees of events taking place in any venue external to the college are also subject to any Code of Conduct, Terms and Conditions, or other policy operated by the venue in question.

The benefits and services provided to alumni and associates by Hughes Hall are provided on a discretionary basis. When making use of these services, alumni and their guests agree to abide by this Code of Conduct as well as any other stated terms and conditions, and any relevant laws and regulations.

Hughes Hall reserves the right to remove alumni benefits and services if it deems the relevant terms of this code have been breached.

An alumnus or alumna who is convicted of a criminal offence may have their access to the services provided by Hughes Hall removed either until such time as their conviction is spent, or permanently, at the sole discretion of the President of the College.


In this document, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings:

  1. ‘College’ refers to the Hughes Hall college only.
  2. ‘Alumni’ refers to a specific relationship with the University of Cambridge and the college. Please see here.
  3. A person subjects another to harassment where they engage in unwanted and unwarranted conduct which has the purpose or effect of:
    • Violating another person’s dignity, or
    • Creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for another person.

3b. The recipient does not need to have explicitly stated that the behaviour was unwanted.

  1. Harassment may involve repeated forms of unwanted and unwarranted behaviour, but a one-off incident can also amount to harassment.
  2. The intentions of the alleged harasser are not always determinative of whether harassment has taken place. The perception of the complainant and the extent to which that perception is in all the circumstances reasonable will also be relevant.
  3. Harassment can take a variety of forms:
    • Through individual behaviour face to face, either verbally or physically, or electronically
    • Directly to the person concerned, or to a third party
    • Through a prevailing culture which tolerates harassment or bullying, for example the telling of homophobic, sexist or racist jokes, or through the use of sexist language.
  4. Examples of behaviour which may amount to harassment include but are not limited to:
    • Insulting, abusive, embarrassing or degrading behaviour or comments
    • Unwanted physical contact, ranging from an invasion of space to an assault, including all forms of sexual harassment, including: inappropriate body language; sexually explicit remarks or innuendo; unwanted sexual advances and touching
    • Offensive comments or body language, including insults, jokes or gestures and malicious rumours, open hostility, verbal or physical threats; these include all forms of harassment and abuse on the grounds of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, cultural differences, abilities or religion (or lack of).
    • Bullying is a form of harassment and may be characterised as offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, or misuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient.