+44 (0)1223 330484

Quondam Fellow

I am a research associate in the computer architecture group at the Department of Computer Science and Technology. My research primarily focuses on making computing more accessible for scientists, educators, and students.

I received my MSc degree in mathematics from ETH Zurich, and obtained the diploma for higher education. Subsequently, I taught mathematics and computer science at high schools for ten years. My experience in the programming classroom led to research in computer science education, as well as a new programming environment for students, and eventually to a PhD from ETH Zurich in 2017. Due to the large impact of my work on computer science education in Switzerland, ETH Zurich has also awarded me and my team with the prize for special contributions to STEM education 2018.

After completing my PhD studies, I followed an invitation to the University of Oxford, where I worked on compilers for machine learning for half a year, before joining the University of Cambridge in spring 2018.