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Quondam Fellow

Marc Weller is Professor of International Law and International Constitutional Studies in the University of Cambridge and is the former Director and a Fellow of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law. He became a member of the Faculty of Law of the University of Cambridge in 1990. From 1997-2000 he was Deputy Director of the Centre of International Studies. He has been Director of Graduate Education in the Department of Politics and International Studies of the University since 2008. Professor Weller has been Director of Studies at the Hague Academy for International Law and Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Law of the University of Paris and at other institutions. He is the author, editor or co-editor of some 25 books and a large number of academic journal articles and book chapters.

Professor Weller holds Masters degrees from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and the University of Cambridge, and Doctorates in Law, in Economic and Social Sciences, and in International Law from the Universities of Frankfurt, Hamburg and Cambridge respectively. Professor Weller has also been trained in complex negotiations at Harvard Law School and the John F. Kennedy School of Government and has extensive experience in international high-level, high-stakes negotiations. He is a fully qualified and accredited mediator and a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

During 2011/12 he served in the Department of Political Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat in New York. In the role of Senior Mediation Expert, mainly covering in the areas of international and constitutional law, he advised on the transitions in Cote d’€™Ivoire and Egypt. He supported mediation efforts during the armed conflict in Libya and served on the United Nations pre-planning team for the transition that ensued. He was also a member of the negotiation team that facilitated the transition in Yemen, and drafted the agreement that facilitated the departure from office of the long-serving President. He was involved in the drafting of a law on transitional justice and the design of a national dialogue process leading to constitutional reform in Yemen. Moreover he served on the United Nations high-level mission seeking to stabilize situation in the Maldives after a sudden change in government early in 2012 and he contributed to the mediation efforts of the Joint Special Envoy for Syria, Kofi Annan.

Professor Weller also served as an advisor in the Doha negotiations on a peaceful settlement of the Darfur crisis, leading to the adoption of the Doha Document on Peace in Darfur which is now being implemented. He also supported the final phase of the transition in Somalia, including planning for the completion of the constitutional process and other key tasks, and he advised on constitutional reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Previously, Professor Weller served as legal consultant for the African Union in the pre-referendum negotiations between North and South Sudan on independence. Before that he was a legal advisor on the Kosovo peace process, starting with the 1992 London Conference on Yugoslavia, continuing with the 1999 Rambouillet Conference on Kosovo and provisionally concluding with the UN-led Vienna process of Final Status Negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia of 2006/7.

From 2000-2009 Professor Weller was the Director of the European Centre for Minority Issues. In that role he directed headquarters operations and a growing field staff active in numerous projects in South Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region. He developed the profile and portfolio of activities of the Centre, raising in excess of Euro 15 million for its activities from governments and other institutions. At the Centre, he guided and conducted conflict settlement activities and rule of law programmes involving Georgia, Moldova (Transdnistria), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Kosovo and served as mediator addressing the Moldova-Gagauzia autonomy dispute. He has also repeatedly served as expert and facilitator for the Council of Europe.

In 2000, Professor Weller founded the Cambridge-Carnegie project on the Settlement of Self-determination Disputes. He has led this initiative since then, raising close to USD 2 million for its implementation. In addition to its academic outputs, the project has resulted in an international network of experts supporting ethnic peace-making around the world. As a follow-on, in 2011, he launched a major international research activity in close cooperation with the United Nations Secretariat identifying legal tools for international peace-making. This activity, too, has attracted significant funding.

Professor Weller has served as Counsel in major international litigation, including in the International Court of Justice, and as expert in national legal proceedings. He remains an active member of the United Nations Mediation Roster and is a member of the UK’s Stabilization Unit cadre of Deployable Civilian Experts Unit (FCO, DFID and MoD).

When not engaged in a public service role, Professor Weller has frequently contributed to the media, including The [London] Times and other newspapers, and is often invited to comment on contemporary international affairs on radio and television.

Professor Dr jur Dr phil MARC WELLER, MA, MALD, Phd, MCIArb

Major Publications

Marc Weller, The Twenty Year’s Crisis, International Legal Aspects of the Dissolution of Yugoslavia, Oxford University Press, 2012, 320 pages.

Marc Weller, ed., (Katherine Nobbs, Assistant Editor), Political Participation of Minorities, Oxford University Press, 2010, 855 pages.

Marc Weller, Iraq and the Use of Force in Internaitonal Law, Oxford University Press, 2010, 285 pages.

Marc Weller and Katherine Nobbs, eds., Asymmetrical State Design as a Tool of Ethnopolitical Conflict Settlement, Pennsylvania University Press, 2010, 320 pages.

Marc Weller, Contested Statehood: Kosovoâ’s Struggle for Independence, Oxford University Press,2009, 328 pages, also published in translation as Shtetesia e kuntestuar, Koha Publishing House, 2009.

Marc Weller, Escaping the Self-determination Trap, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008, 224 pages.

Marc Weller, Negotiating Statehood: The Vienna Negotiations on Kosovo, Chaillot Paper No. 114, European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2008, 95 pages.

Marc Weller, Denika Blacklock and Katherine Nobbs, eds, The Protection of Minorities in the Wider Europe, Palgrave, Macmillan, 2008, 296 pages.

Marc Weller and Stefan Wolff, eds., Institutions for the Management of Ethnopolitical Conflict in Eastern and Central Europe, Council of Europe Press, 2008, 274 pages.

Marc Weller, Peace Lost: Missed Opportunities for Conflict Prevention in Kosovo, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008, 230 pages.

Marc Weller and Barbara Metzger, eds., Settling Self-determination Conflicts, Nijhoff Publishers, 2008, 768 pages.

Marc Weller, ed., Universal Minority Rights, A Commentary on the Jurisprudence of International Court and Treaty Bodies, Oxford University Press, 2007, 524 pages.

Marc Weller and Stefan Wolff, eds., Internationalized State-building after Violent Conflict: Dayton after Ten Years, Routledge, 2007, 108 pages.

Marc Weller, ed., The Rights of Minorities: Commentary on the European Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, Oxford University Press, 2005, 688 pages, paperback edition 2006.

Marc Weller and Alexander H. E. Morawa, eds., Mechanisms for the Implementation of Minority Rights, Council of Europe Press, 2005, 264 pages.

Marc Weller and Stefan Wolff, authors and eds., Autonomy, Self-Governance and Conflict Resolution, Routledge, 2005, 320 pages.

Marc Weller and Jorn Kuehl, authors and eds., Minority Governance in Action, Danish University Press, 2005, 350 pages.

Marc Weller, The Kosovo Conflict: The Conduct and Termination of Hostilities and the Renewed Search for a Settlement, Documents & Analysis Publishing, 2001, 504 pages.

Marc Weller, The Crisis in Kosovo 1989-1999, Documents & Analysis Publishing, 1st ed., 1999, 2nd ed., 2001, 504 pages.

Daniel Bethlehem and Marc Weller, The Yugoslav Crisis in International Law: General Issues, Cambridge University Press, 1997, 711 pages.

Marc Weller, Regional Peace-keeping and International Enforcement: The Liberian Crisis, Cambridge University Press, 1994, 465 pages.

Marc Weller, Iraq and Kuwait: The Hostilities and their Aftermath, Cambridge University Press, 1993, 750 pages.

Marc Weller, Democracy and Politics in Burma, Craftsman Press, 1993, 453 pages.

Daniel Bethlehem, Christopher Greenwood, Elihu Lauterpacht and Marc Weller, The Kuwait Crisis: Basic Documents, Cambridge University Press, 1991, 330 pages.