+44 (0)1223 330484

Governing Body Fellow, Director of Cambridge Graduate Course in Medicine

Jessica studied Medicine as an undergraduate at Cambridge University and completed her postgraduate training in London and East Anglia. Having completed a Ph.D. in neutrophil biology she continues to be fascinated by infection and her areas of special interest are bronchiectasis and tuberculosis. She works as a Consultant in Respiratory Medicine and General Internal Medicine at the West Suffolk Hospital in Bury St Edmunds.
Jessica is passionate about medical education. She is the Director of the Cambridge Graduate Course in Clinical Medicine and Sub-Dean at West Suffolk Hospital NHS Trust. In 2013 she won a Pilkington Prize for Education. Increasingly, she is exploring the value of a coaching approach to teaching and training and to this end undertook a Certificate in Coaching through Cambridge University in 2016.
Outside of work she loves spending time with her family and her two dogs: an ever-muddy springer spaniel and a black labrador.