+44 (0)1223 330484

By-Fellow, Tutor, Disability Support Champion, and Programmes Manager

After a spell at Imperial College administrating an MSc programme, a family relocation in 2015 led to her joining Hughes Hall. A need had been identified to help steer and build the College’s sense of community, creating richer and more frequent opportunities for students to connect with each other as well as with college seniors. Hughes Hall remains passionate about facilitating a rich and inclusive programme of cultural, social and academic activity to enhance the student experience; a programme which Alison runs, and which includes Hughes Hall’s vibrant and highly regarded music events.

Keen to return to a student support role, Alison joined the Tutorial team in 2017. A personal highlight has been the provision of comprehensive tutorial support to a fully blind student. Keen to ensure the voices of this underrepresented community are heard, she also fulfils the role of ‘Disability Champion’ for our academic community.

Prior to joining the HE sector Alison worked for many years at the Royal Geographical Society, London, promoting a greater understanding of geography and environmental issues. She also worked at the Conservation Foundation, a charity which delivers innovative projects, often with an environmental slant.

Throughout her career, a common thread has been around bringing communities together and the provision of support; whether through awarding/raising funds to empower a project, facilitating cross disciplinary discussion or simply to enable social networking and community building to take place, avoiding isolation and fostering a sense of community.