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Hughes Hall Launches Research Impact Initiative, The Bridge

On 22 May 2019, University of Cambridge College, Hughes Hall, launched its exciting new research impact initiative, The Bridge.

The Bridge at Hughes Hall is a unique initiative leveraging the College’s collaborative strengths, international nature and external focus to bring the research and expertise of its academic community to solve real world problems. The Bridge facilitates interaction and connection between academic experts and policymakers, practitioners and industry leaders to promote dialogue, understanding and innovation. It drives the translation of research and knowledge, turning brilliant ideas into lasting change, for the benefit of all.

His Royal Highness The Duke of York visited the College today and helped to launch the Bridge. The Duke was appointed as an Honorary Fellow of Hughes Hall in 2018 where he pledged his ongoing support for students and the wider aims of the college. During his visit , he had the opportunity to meet with students and hear about their current research and experiences of college life. He went on to join Hughes Hall President, Dr Anthony Freeling, at the launch of The Bridge and took part in key discussions with senior fellows, exploring links between entrepreneurship and a number of Bridge Centres: Climate Change Engagement; 100 Healthy Years; Regulating the Digital Economy; and Oracy and Teaching Philosophy.

His Royal Highness’ work to encourage enquiring minds in business and entrepreneurship through programmes such as Pitch@Palace provides an important alignment with the aims of The Bridge as well as the college’s outward focus and history of excellence in subjects such as business and economics. The Bridge aims to address some of the most critical problems around the world and ensure our leading researchers can connect with those on the front-line, helping to change lives for the better.