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Tackling taboos, supporting staff and eating cake!

Announcing the first Menopause Café Hughes Hall.

Menopause Cafés are aimed at breaking down the taboo around menopause, increasing awareness of the impact of the menopause on those experiencing it, their family, friends and their colleagues, and reflecting on the ‘third stage of life’.

The event is free, during working hours, and open to Hughes Hall staff and senior members as well as staff from the other Cambridge Colleges, of all genders and ages. There is no intention of leading people to any conclusion, product, or course of action. It is about creating a respectful, accessible and confidential space where we can have open conversations.

The World’s first Menopause Café, was held in Perth, Scotland in 2017. Since then, many pop-up Menopause Cafes have been organised worldwide, including in workplaces.

Rachel Weiss, founder of the Menopause Café Charity, commented, “The Menopause Café is aimed at women and men of all ages who would like to talk about the menopause, to share their stories, experiences and questions, all made that little bit easier with tea and cake. People can come along and just listen, or join in on the discussions, hopefully leaving with a clearer sense of the impact of the menopause on those who are experiencing it, alongside their families, friends and colleagues.”

Suzanne Bedford, HR Manager at Hughes Hall and event organiser, said: “A priority for Hughes Hall is to support all staff members impacted by menopause and to maintain an environment where people are looked after and feel comfortable talking about their wellbeing.”

Event facilitator and menopause expert, Pat Duckworth, has hosted cafes locally: “I am delighted to be co-hosting this Menopause Cafe at Hughes Hall. There has been so much written and talked about menopause in the past twelve months but it can still be an isolating and worrying phase in women’s lives. The more we can get together and talk about it openly the easier it becomes.”

Further information

The Menopause Café Hughes Hall will run from 1.30-3.30 pm on Tuesday 7 February 2023 in the Peter Richards Room at Hughes Hall, Cambridge, CB1 2EW. For more information and to book, please register via the Eventbrite link. Click here. If you have any questions, please contact Suzanne Bedford via hr.manager@hughes.cam.ac.uk.

For more on Menopause Cafés visit http://www.menopausecafe.net/.
