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Post-Doctoral Research Associates/ Research Fellows Showcases – 11th, 18th & 24th May

Post-Doctoral Research Associates (PDRA)/ Research Fellows (RF) Research Showcases, Wednesday 11th May, Wednesday 18th May & Tuesday 24th May 2016, 6-7pm, Pavilion Room

The membership of Hughes Hall represents an extraordinary academic breadth and depth. Now,  through a series of three showcase evenings, Post-Doctoral Research Associates (PDRAs) and Research Fellows (RF) will present their exciting cutting-edge work. Whatever your own discipline, these stimulating evenings offer a chance to discover why the cross disciplinary network has always been central to the Cambridge tradition.

To include cheese and wine/soft drinks. All Hughes members welcome, free of charge.

Further information/booking via: https://researchshowcasesathughes.eventbrite.co.uk


PDRA & RF Showcases - May 2016