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Members of Hughes Hall join in condemning invasion of Ukraine.

Across Cambridge, students, academics and other staff are joined in condemning the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine and share the sentiments and commitments expressed by the Vice-Chancellor. This is a time of great concern and deep upset, and at Hughes Hall we know many in our community are directly affected.

Dr Anthony Freeling, President, said:

“I am sure many of you will have deep emotions about these horrific events. I add my voice to those who are speaking out in support of Ukrainians and those Russians who are braving their own government to protest. I encourage our members to consider fundraising ideas and academic events which the college community can get involved in to support those who have been affected.”

We reiterate College’s commitment to the welfare of all our students at this time. Please get in touch to discuss the ways you are being impacted so we can do our best to help. In addition to support detailed on the University Ukraine pages, please note that the Student Counselling Service is offering specific counselling sessions to those affected. Similarly, we are committed to supporting those staff and senior members impacted by the invasion, whether directly or indirectly. Staff support and counselling details can also be accessed here: https://staff.counselling.cam.ac.uk/.

The university held a vigil last week at Senate House against the war and in solidarity to those affected and has set our a number of charitable initiatives which members may wish to consider donating to, including its own Ukrainian conflict student hardship fund, to help students in need due to the conflict.

A great deal of information can be found on the university Ukraine pages including expert comment, news and resources for staff and student: www.cam.ac.uk/ukraine.
