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Inaugural Hughes Hall three minute thesis – students take on the challenge

Last week the inaugural Hughes Hall three minute thesis competition challenged our students to describe their research thesis in just 3 minutes.

The event, which was the first of its kind at Hughes, encouraged students to review their 3-4 years of work and condense it to an ‘elevator pitch’ to an audience of non-technical people, which as described by the winner of the PhD Years 2-4 round, Ismael Moreno-Gomez “helped convey ideas with simplicity and clarity, without falling in the trap of the scientific jargon”.

Friends, staff and senior members attended the great event to encourage the students and were delighted to hear the diversity of research at Hughes.

“3MT challenged me to present the significance of my work in just 180 seconds and emphasised the ability to communicate my ideas in concise manner. I think my favourite part wasn’t presenting my own research but listening to all the other presentations!” Tabassum, the winner of the people’s choice award said.

Congratulations to the winners;

  • Undergraduates, Masters and PhD Year 1 division: Nicholas Ader “Clearing away the gunk: How cells combat Parkinson’s disease”
  • PhD Years 2-4 division: Ismael Moreno-Gomez “Modelling the degradation of biocomposites for orthopaedic applications”
  • People’s choice award: Tabassum Dungarwalla “Immunity: friend or foe”

HH 3MT winners 2016