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Hughesian to be the next Bishop of Stockport

The Reverend Canon Samuel Corley (1998, Education) has recently had his nomination to the Suffragen See of Stockport approved by the Queen. 

Samuel was ordained in 2005 and currently serves as Rector of the parish of Leeds City and Honorary Canon at Ripon Cathedral.

He attended Hughes Hall between 1998 and 1999, during which time he completed his PGCE in Secondary History. 

Samuel told us: ‘My year at Hughes Hall studying for the Secondary History PGCE was one of the best years of my life. I met my wife, made life long friends and learnt the skills of deep reflection on practical experience that have been a fabulous resource in my ordained ministry just as much as they were during my time as a teacher.’

The Queen approved his nomination to the Suffragan See of Stockport, in the diocese of Chester, in succession to The Right Reverend Elizabeth Lane following her translation to the See of Derby, on 27th May 2021.

Hughes Hall is proud to claim another Bishop amongst its wonderful network of alumni. The Right Reverend Anne Hollinghurst (2007, Jewish-Christian Relations) was consecrated as the tenth Bishop of Aston in 2015, making her Birmingham’s first female Bishop. She has particular episcopal responsibility in the areas of mission, vocations and ministry. Anne worked as a youth worker prior to her ordination in 1997.

For further details of our notable and global alumni in the worlds of sport, politics, law, business, the arts see here.

8 June 2021