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Hughesian takes second place in University’s Three Minute Thesis Competition

Luca Villa, a second year PhD in Psychiatry, was awarded runner up of the Graduate Union’s Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT).

Luca was one of the winners of our Hughes Hall 3MT competition in February. This year, for the first time, our Hughes Hall winners were able to skip right to the finals of the University Competition.

One of eight finalists, Luca – in under 3 minutes (2 minutes and 43 seconds to be exact) – presented his fascinating research on the brain activity of teenagers with depression and how these can be used to better understand treatments for depression. Not bad for a PhD that usually takes 3 years to complete.

Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education Professor Graham Virgo chaired the judging panel which consisted of Public Engagement Heads of University, and the President of Cambridge University Students’ Union (CUSU) Daisy Eyre. Prizes were awarded and Luca was announced as the competition’s runner up and awarded a medal and certificate.


Luca Villa 3MT

Photo credit: Cambridge University Graduate Union