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Elizabeth Phillips Hughes features in the new ‘Dear World… Yours, Cambridge’ campaign

Last weekend the University of Cambridge launched their new ‘Dear World… Yours, Cambridge’ campaign, which aims to raise £2 billion to help Cambridge shape the future.

The campaign showcases all the great discoveries, inventions and contributions that have come out of the University over the years.

“Dear World,
You sent us Newton. We sent you gravity.
You sent us Darwin. We sent you evolution. You sent us William and Samuel. We sent you Wordsworth and Coleridge. What will we send next? A postal test for depression? A swallowable test for cancer? A theory of everything? For eight centuries, our impact on the world has been huge. But to impact all our futures, we need your support. Yours, Cambridge.” – www.cam.ac.uk/yourscambridge

We are delighted to see Elizabeth Phillips Hughes, the first Principal of Hughes Hall, featured as one of the greatest things to come out of Cambridge. We may be biased, but this is our favourite campaign poster……


Elizabeth Phillips Hughes Poster