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Celebrating best ever undergraduate results

Our graduands mark their achievements as proceedings are live-streamed from Senate House

Despite the significant trials, tears, frustrations and sheer hard work of this pandemic year, our undergraduates have celebrated unprecedented success at Hughes Hall. Senior Tutor Philip Johnston reflected on the results achieved:

“This has been a truly remarkable year! Our undergraduates achieved more First Class results than ever before, both in total and in proportion: of 40 finalists, 17 gained Firsts including 2 starred – that’s 42% Firsts! (For all Tripos students with marks declared, the figures are: of 114 students, 40 Firsts and 4 starred, that is 35% Firsts.) In the extremely difficult circumstances of 2020-21 this is hugely commendable. Many, many congratulations to the whole cohort!”

We wish our recent graduates all the very best – welcome to the Hughes Hall alumni network!

Saturday 3rd July saw the first in-person graduation this year, in the ceremony known as General Admission. The day began with a seated celebration on the back lawn, as graduands dined with invited friends and Senior Members. These included College President Anthony Freeling and Praelector Markus Gehring, both of whom gave short speeches congratulating graduands on their successes, wishing them all the best for the future, and welcoming them to the alumni community.

Graduands then had a brief rehearsal and dress check on the back lawn – needed to ensure that the ceremony itself (all in Latin) would run smoothly, and all would comply with the strict dress code. The standard charge for inappropriate clothing is a bottle of college port, a practice that has been in place for centuries!

With the weather holding up and after numerous photos, graduands then assembled for the customary procession from Hughes Hall to the Senate House.  Friends stayed in College to watch as the ceremony was live-streamed to several large screens.

Although we are sad to say goodbye, General Admission marks a great milestone – a sign of our undergraduates achieving the very best in their chosen field and the start of a new chapter in their lives.

All of us at Hughes Hall wish our recent graduates all the very best, and hope to keep in touch through our alumni events and active global alumni network.