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£50,000 Raised in Honour of Sarah Squire


Full colour crest + text (letterhead size)


Dear Hughesians,


As many of you will know, when Sarah Squire announced her intention  to retire as President of Hughes Hall the College decided to mark her achievements in office by creating a fund in her honour, to which Fellows, Senior Members and Alumni were invited to contribute. I am delighted to report that the response to the President’s Fund has been overwhelming, with more than £50,000 contributed.

The level of support received means that we now have sufficient funds to support an annual Sarah Squire Bursary, something very close to Sarah’s heart, as she has  been tireless in promoting scholarships and bursaries at the College since she joined us 8 years ago. We look forward to awarding the first of these Bursaries in the very near future and extend our thanks to all those who made this possible. Your donations have made a real difference.



With many thanks,



Richard Berg Rust
Fellow & Director of Development and Alumni Relations


List of Donors


First Name Surname
Ewa-Lilian Adams
Johnson Adesanya
Emmanuel Athill
Jane Blockeel
Nicola Bower
Philippa Brice
Claire Brice
Elizabeth Bryan
Hilary Burton
Nora Butler
Gonzalez Campos
Man Sing Chan
Tsai Chi Wang
Yi Chung
Lynn Clarke
Marco Costanzi
Ying Dai
Pam Davis
Stephen De Silva
Bernard Devereux
Alexander Dobrinevski
Marilyn Emerson
Alan Farrow
Tim Fearn
Anthony Freeling
David Fulton
Stratis Georgilas
Ray Godwin
Neil Grossman
Muriel Gurbutt
Susan Hampton
John Hare
Desmond Hawkins
Roy Helmore
Margaret Herbertson
Kelly Hockey
John Hopkins
Toichi Izawa
Brad Jessup
Philip Johnston
James Jones
Nikolaos Kazantzis
John Kenworthy
Yiannis Kourris
Patrick Leblond
Adrian Leonard
Ian Lewis
Ian Lovat
Peter Mansfield
Ged Martin
Paul Martin
Sara Melville
Sharon Memis
Barbara Messamore
Didier Meyer
King Mills
Sian Morgan Hall
Etsuo Morishita
Terence Nicholls
Bill Nuttall
Daniel O’Connor
Masatsugu Ohtake
Maisie Ooi
Wanda Orlikowski
Lucy Otton
Kevin Outterson
Margaret Owens
David Pearce
Dora Pereira
David Peters-Corbett
Nicholas Phillips
Maurice Picard
John Raffan
John Rawlings
Mandisa Regrello
David Richardson
Ruth Richardson
Gillian Rule
Monique Sasson
Keir Shiels
Paul Siklos
Janet Smith
Christine Speirs
Sarah Squire
Pat Story
Peter Studdert
Wendy Sutcliffe
Fiona Symington
Aileen Taylor
Thomas Teasdale
Jennifer Uttley
Evan Wallach
Kern Wildenthal
Naomi Wineman
Robert Winter
William Yu