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Writer Meets Readers series featuring Professor Diana Laurillard (online)

Thursday 12 May, 16:30 pm to 18:00 pm Cambridge time – online

In this dialogic event, renowned academic Prof. Diana Laurillard will join us via Zoom to discuss her paper: The pedagogical challenges to collaborative technologies.

To participate:

  1. Register to attend on Zoom
  2. Access the paper we will be discussing at: Google Scholar

An audience of PhD students and academics from Cambridge and around the global will engage in a dynamic, friendly discussion of the paper. Following discussion, our invited author will react to the conversation and engage in a productive, exploratory discussion with the audience to keep opening new avenues of thought about the challenges of pedagory and collaborative technologies within and beyond her own current writing. 

About Diana Laurillard

Diana is Professor of Learning with Digital Technologies at the UCL Institute of Education. Prior to this, she was Head of the e-Learning Strategy Unit at the Department for Education and Skills and Pro-Vice-Chancellor for learning technologies and teaching at The Open University.

Among her many awards and recognitions, she has earned a 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award from The E-Assessment Association and a 2016 Honorary Life Membership of the Association for Learning Technology.

Session conveners

  • Prof Rupert Wegerif, DEFI director
  • Dr Pablo Torres, British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Dr Imogen Casebourne, DEFI Innovation Lab Research Lead