+44 (0)1223 330484

Surviving the Cambridge Exam Term: Part 1

A two part workshop on how to navigate the Cambridge exam system.

Part 1 will be held on Thursday 18th March, 11.00 am to 12.30 and will cover:

  • Study skills for exams and revisions
  • Using your vacation productively
  • Sources of academic support
  • Practical preparation
  • Your wellbeing

Slides and video of this event are now available on Moodle. Click here

Part 2 will be held on Tuesday 4th May, 11.00 am to 12.30 pm and will cover:

  • Practical arrangements
  • What to do if you fall ill
  • Managing stress and Wellbeing

To register, click here

Over the two sessions, you will get a chance to meet College Officers responsible for welfare, DOS, College Nurse, MCR welfare officers and students who have survived the first year of Cambridge exams!

If you would like to attend either or both events, please register via the Zoom registration links.