+44 (0)1223 330484

The Stradivari Trust Concert Series: Jennifer Pike

College members are invited to the next concert in the Stradivari Concert Series at Hughes Hall on Tuesday 19th June.

Come and hear Jennifer Pike play the marvellous Goffriller violin, accompanied by Petr Liminov on piano.

The programme will include:
Szymanowski Mythes
Wieniawski LegendeĀ andĀ Scherzo Tarantelle


Szymanowski Romance or Chant de Roxane arr. Kochanski
Vaughan Williams Lark Ascending
Szymanowski Nocturne and Tarantella

If you wish to attend this free event, kindly RSVP to Kate Flannery Lee 01223 353070 or instrument.schemes@googlemail.com.


Doors open at 5:45pm. Please note that latecomers can only be admitted at an appropriate break in the programme.