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Postdoc Lent Term Research Showcase

Wednesday 23 February 7:00 pm to 9.00 pm, Pavilion Rm

  • Hear about the cutting-edge research performed by Hughes Hall members
  • Meet College members in a relaxed atmosphere to build back our community
  • Widen your network within College and beyond

Hughes Hall Postdocs are happy to announce the next Research Showcase in which members of college share their  research with the community. The series comprises three evening sessions spread across the academic terms. There will be three to four presentations (10-15 min) with questions and discussion at the end, followed by drinks and refreshments.

Non college members are welcome to join this event so please feel free to invite friends and colleagues. PhD students are particularly encouraged to join to enable interactions with senior college members.

Please sign up using the eventbrite link: click here 

Questions or queries? Contact Markus Hoepfler (mhoepfler@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk)


Dr Natalie Jones
“Fossil Fuel Production in National Climate Communications under the Paris Agreement”

Dr Lucrezia Nava
 “The way to net-zero and beyond: Understanding the realistic potential of negative emissions”

Dr Milan Muso
TBA (Research topic: identifying novel rare genetic variants causing type 2 diabetes)