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Global Health for All

All are welcome to participate in this seminar, aimed at developing the Global Health theme and series of seminars at Hughes Hall, and explore different aspects of Global Health and its translation into practice.
Eminent speakers discuss:
1. What is meant by Global Health? – Dr Arthur Hibble, Associate, Hughes Hall
2. Poor educational access and learning: a cause and consequence of health inequalities – Dr Nidhi Singal and Dr Ricardo Sabates, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
3. Climate change and Global Health – Dr James Smith, GP and Public Health Doctor
4. Universal health coverage; challenges and strategies – Dr Aliko Ahmed, Director, PHE East of England and Dr Vanessa Wong, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research

Sign up by clicking on this link, or use the Eventbrite link below.

Non college members welcome.
Drinks and nibbles to follow the formal part of the evening.