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Education Symposium

Wednesday 6 March, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Pavilion Rm

Join us for our next Education Student Symposium. This event will offer an excellent opportunity for Hughes Hall students to:

  • showcase their research to a mixed audience (peers, Fellows and Faculty alike)
  • gain constructive and informed feedback, regardless of what stage your work is at

Each speaker will have a chance to present their research, or an aspect of it, after which there will be a Q&A session with the audience. As usual, supper and drinks will be provided.

This is an informal event to offer students a platform to build confidence in sharing their work, so please don’t hesitate if you’re midway through your research – instead, do come along and practise your public-speaking and networking skills (should they need practice!).

This is a great opportunity to meet Hughes Hall seniors and fellow students (both new and continuing), and to enjoy a relaxed  supper. If you’re not keen to present, do come along and support our speakers. So that we know how many to cater for, please sign up using the usual Eventbrite link, click here.

If you are out in school and late back, don’t worry – just turn up whenever you can.

We especially welcome students and colleagues who have not attended an event before to join us!

Please note, this event is open to Hughes Hall college members only.

Interested in presenting?

We would like to invite Education students to write in and register their interest in presenting their research (including all unfinished, unpublished and in-progress work). Ideally, it would be good to have a mix of students across the board, so whether you’re an undergraduate or a postgraduate student, please do consider showcasing your work. Please write to us at rsk39@cam.ac.uk with your name and a brief abstract (150-250 words) by the 15th of February, 2024, and we will be in touch.

Need help focussing your proposal?

Here are four areas to consider:

  • Objectives: What are the objectives of your study
  • Research Questions
  • Methodology
  • Current or expected results, challenges.