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Climate Change Night

Monday 15 November, 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, Pavilion Room

COP26, the most crucial meeting on Climate Change, is happening in Glasgow from the 31st of October to the 12th of November. Hughes Hall postdoc community have organised a Climate Change Night event just after the COP26. If you want to know more about it and learn who is working on climate change-related projects at Hughes Hall, come and join us and take part in the discussion.

The event will start with a keynote talk by Prof David Reiner. His research interests include national climate change policies and the social and political acceptability of low-carbon technologies. Prof Reiner will give a short summary view of COP26 discussions, and will take 15 minutes of questions from the audience. The event will continue with a panel discussion (two postdocs and two PhDs from HH) who will talk about their research areas on climate change.

The Climate Change Night is open to all college members, not just postdocs, providing an opportunity for everyone to get to know each other and share research interests and synergies. Non college members with an interest in the subject area are also welcome.

Refreshments will follow on from the formal part of the evening, where discussion can continue. In order to manage numbers please use this Eventbrite link to sign up. Questions/queries: contact Alma (ap2016).