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Cambridge Early Music Weekend Workshop

Sisters of Ferrara & other 16th century Italian choral polyphony.

The Friends of Cambridge Early Music’s Insight programme finishes for the year with a week-end workshop with Professor Laurie Strass and Mrs Deborah Roberts of Musica Secreta on choral polyphony as sung in Italian Convents of the 16th Century, introducing people to the music of Leonora D’Este, daughter of Lucretia Borgia, in particular. There are two performances which are open to all, and both are free:

A Service of Compline at 18.00 pm on Saturday September 14th and that of Vespers on Sunday September 15th at 15.30 pm preceded by a talk by Professor Stras at 14.30 pm setting the scene.

Both take place in The Pavilion Room, Hughes Hall.

For further information click here or follow the link below