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Alumni Weekend Lecture and Dinner

‘Ecovisions: the magic of nature in contemporary Mayan and Incan verse’ by Dr Charles Pigott

The Mayas and Incas were two of the most spectacular civilisations ever to exist on earth. Their ancient monuments, rising over steamy jungles and jagged peaks, stand as testimony to a wealth of intellectual and artistic creativity.

Most histories tell us that these civilisations ended centuries ago. Most histories are wrong. This talk will tell a different story, the story of the Mayas and Incas of today. After centuries of cultural decline, an indigenous renaissance is taking place in Central America and the Andes. A growing number of authors and poets are writing in their ancestral languages; central to this new literature is the magic of nature.

As we journey through the landscapes of Maya and Inca verse, we will encounter animal alters, clairvoyant corn-seeds and vanishing serpents. We may even come close to uncovering one of the greatest mysteries of all: what it means to be human…

The lecture will be followed by a three course formal dinner for Hughes Hall alumni.

6:00pm – 7:00pm Lecture, Pavilion Room, Everyone welcome. Free
7:00pm – 10:00pm Dinner, Dining Hall, Alumni and guests. £35.00