+44 (0)1223 330484

AI supporting Education for Collective Intelligence

Monday 26 June, 9.00 am to 10.50 am BST, Faculty of Education

CEDiR and DEFI would like to extend a warm invitation to join them for an exciting panel on AI supporting Education for Collective Intelligence. The panel will feature speakers from the University of Cambridge, the University of Edinburgh and Beijing Normal University, making it a truly international event.

To kick off the panel, we will have brief introductions from Professor Sara Hennessy and Professor Li Yuan, who will set the stage for the discussions that will follow. The speakers will be:

  • Dr Imogen Casebourne: AI and collaboration: reviewing the literature
  • Dr Patrick Carmichael: Putting AI to work in CamTree
  • Prof Yuan Li: Introduction of CCIE
  • Prof Rupert Wegerif: Designing for dialogue: a theory of educational technology for the future
  • Dr Steve Watson: The opportunities and challenges of AI in a social system of collective intelligence
  • Dr Jeremy Knox: Moving from “personalisation” to collective intelligence

There will also be an opportunity for group discussion.

To make the early start more enjoyable, we invite you to join us for breakfast. Tea, coffee, and delicious croissants will be provided, ensuring you start the day energized and ready for the engaging discussions ahead.

In order to make appropriate arrangements for refreshments, please register for the event by filling out the form linked here: https://forms.gle/pPm91DDeTQvpJ1LTA

The registration deadline is Friday 23rd June. Your prompt registration will greatly assist in organizing the event.